Donell Victorian and Kalesita Sandifer
Donell and Kalesita met on DT Heart & Soul (DTHS). Donell is an educator from Houston, TX and Kalesita is a stylist from Auckland, New Zealand via Suva, Fiji. In March 2023, Donell messaged her through the DTHS app, followed by their first video date. They started dating soon after, were engaged in early August and were wed June 14, 2024 in Auckland, New Zealand.

Michael Rowell and Lisa Wigfall
Congratulations to Michael Rowell and Lisa Wigfall!
They were married on October 9, 2023.

Stephen Sanders and Natalie Ludewig
Stephen (London, UK) and Natalie (New York) share their story in one of our “Safe, Pure, Fun” Youtube videos.

Ignatius Beard and Leony Rebalde
Reading about how my brothers and sisters overcome distance and other challenges to meet, court and marry is a great way to make myself smile til my face hurts. Iggy’s and Leony’s story is a perfect example!

Rob Staff and Peyton Leonard
Update: Rob and Peyton sent us some wedding pics ❤️ , see the gallery 🎉
Congratulations to Rob and Peyton, engaged to be married on 16 July 2023. Here is their story, shared from their perspective:

Jerry Silva and Judy Webb
Jerry and Judy met on DT Heart & Soul and were married in January 2023. Jerry is from Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA and Judy is from Athens, Georgia, USA.
Jerry is a grocery store manager and Judy is a nurse. They both signed up for DTHS, and connected in July 2019. In March 2020, Judy reached out to Jerry to see how he was doing during COVID, and they bonded over their mutual front line jobs.

Davis Zhu and Jessica Smith
Davis and Jessica met on DT Heart & Soul and were married February 2023. Davis is from the Milestone Church of Christ (Toronto) and Jessica is from the Columbia Church of Christ (South Carolina). They share their story here.

James Ruiz and Megan Newby
Megan, a 33-year-old analytical scientist from Bend, Oregon, USA and James, a 25-year-old CNA from Boise, Idaho, USA, both signed up for DTHS in March 2022. They met online a few weeks later and by the grace of God were married 18 February 2023! They share their story here.

Joris Van Hijfte and Gisèle Robert
Joris: In the Fall of 2020, I felt the urge to change many things in my life. I bought a new house, sold my old house and prepared the move. In September, I signed up for DTHS. I wrote my profile meticulously and posted it. I was not sure what God’s plans were for me, but I was open for His plans.

Josh Sterling and Ginny Fisher
Josh and Ginny from the Columbus Church of Christ met on DT Heart & Soul and were married in April 2021.
Ginny: Josh and I first met in college when I was a junior at Ohio State and he was doing a co-op in Columbus, Ohio. We liked each other some at that time, but we lost touch when he went back to Cincinnati and I went to Korea to study abroad.

100th DTHS Wedding : Mark Johnson and Imy Mazon
Director’s note: Mark and Imy Johnson’s wedding marks the 100th known marriage in which Disciples Today’s online matching services have played a part.

Jakob Mos and Amy Dawson
Amy had been a disciple for over 20 years, yet she had never dated in the church. She was a single mom of a son, Drew who was diagnosed with autism at age 10. She works as an Accounts Payable Specialist at HSS, Inc. in Aurora, Colorado.

Dillon Bennewitz and Rachael Arnold
Rachael became a Christian 12 years ago in the teen ministry in State College, Pennsylvania. She was looking for someone she could connect with spiritually who also shared her dreams of living a simple life.

Gabe Shepherd and Nancy Alvarez
Nancy and I met on DTHS in February 2018. Within 2 months I was on a plane to San Francisco to meet her.

Eddy Schuring and Stephanie Mack
Eddy: I became a disciple in 1994, a few days before my ex-wife. It was an exciting time as we had just gotten married a month before. After 15 years of marriage, my ex wife went in a different direction, left God and we got divorced. Going through divorce for me was just near unbearable. It took a long time to heal and I did a lot of reading (“Changes that Heal” became my second Bible) and counseling with a few very important brothers in the church. My life was so messed up as a kid with partying, that I’ve always been a bit more process-oriented about how to grow and change.

Peter Henkel and Deysi Hernandez Lemus
Peter: I am from Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. Deysi was in Honduras, thousands of miles away. That was not an obstacle for Deysi and I to have our own story. God is amazing and can do much more than we ask and we think.

Ryan Boschen and Nicole Hadsell
As DT Heart & Soul moves toward our first-ever mobile app this summer, we are greatly inspired to see our God continuing to pursue his dream of bringing the nations together.

John Finn Jr and Bing (Verna) Lamigo
John: I was baptized in 1992 and had been in a couple relationships that just did not work out. After my previous relationship not working out I decided to stop looking for a sister to go steady with and just go on dates with sisters for the purpose of affirming to them that they are loved and appreciated and worth building friendships with.

James Ohen and Sheree Marlowe
Both James and Sheree were reluctant to join DTHS because the thought of meeting someone online felt odd to them. Little did they know, God was working behind the scenes to have their friends encourage them to join the site.

Daniel Ballance and Chelsea Zhang
Update On Sunday August 25th, 2019 Jaden Riley Ballance was born. He was 7lbs 5oz and 20 inches long. They were praying for a baby boy and God answered their prayer. The name “Jaden” means “God has heard” in Hebrew and “Riley” means “brave” in Irish.

Benjamin Bosch and Deshire Alpizar Rodriguez
My name is Benjamin Bosch. I have been a disciple for 22 years. Though I have dated twice before, I have never met a suitable wife for me.

Josh Rothberg and Andrea Walker
Josh (New York) and Andrea (Ohio) first met on DT Heart & Soul in June 2015. After building a great friendship, they began dating in December of 2015. Andrea moved from Ohio to New York in March, Josh proposed in June, and they are getting married on November 11th!

Nick Ball and Tania Solorzano
Nick:I first signed up for DTHS in June 2016 for one month after persistent advice from a brother who also found his wife on DTHS. Tania had been on the site for 2.5 years over a four-year period.

Sergey Ippolitov and Angela Ustavkova
It was smiles all around when Sergey Ippolitov & Angela Ustavkova were married after meeting on DT Heart & Soul. This video gives a peek into their joyful wedding day.

Jason Pierson and Laura Moss
I (Laura) first joined DT Heart and Soul in 2010 and was off and on the site for the next 3 1/2 years. Jason, after being prompted by a brother in California and seeing the promotional code for the 2014 Singles Conference, joined in September of 2014. We were matched September 14, 2014 and began communicating immediately.

Mark Martin and Joanna Arnold
Joanna: When I met my husband on DTHS, I had recently ended a dating relationship in my home church. Frankly, I was devastated. I was in my late twenties, and I felt ready to meet my husband.

Matthew Butts and Rikki Gonzalez
Matthew: Rikki and I met on DTHS back in March of 2015. I was resigned to the fact that DTHS may not be the right avenue for me to find a relationship. But God worked, despite my defeated attitude and led me to an amazing sister from Riverside, California.

Aaron Cripe and Lalaine Yorobe
Congratulations to Aaron and Lalaine! Below is their story leading up to their dating relationship.
Aaron: I’ve been a disciple for 14 years. After dating, breaking up, falling away, and then getting restored, I was ready to find a soul mate when signing up for DTHS. Inspired by friends, and my singles’ ministry leader, Takashi Kagawa (who got married through DTHS), I signed up in 2013.

Tyler Smith and Julie Ullagon
Tyler: I became a disciple back in May 2004. Throughout my time in the church, there have been good and bad times and I’ve endured a lot of things. The one subject that has been a struggle for me for as long as I’ve been a disciple has been dating.

Clive Rose and Hazel-Ann Nash
Clive: I was single again at 50 and started to attend single events. I was pleasantly surprised to learn that the church had a dating website. I was encouraged to join the site in 2013. I didn’t think much of online dating but thought I’d go on, make new friends and see what happens.

Marvin Andrews and Shamra Kay Schmitz
Shamra: I’d like to take you on a journey where God took my heart across the miles of numerous countries and oceans. I am almost 40 years old and the hope of romantic love entered my heart off and on over the years. After years of coaxing from my sister and brother-in-law, I ventured way out of my comfort zone and joined DT Heart & Soul in 2013.

Jesse Peterson and Sara Anziani
My name is Sara Anziani from Phoenix, Arizona. I am excited to let you know that as of this past Saturday, I am in a relationship with a wonderful brother named Jesse Peterson, who I met on your website. Jesse lives in Spokane, Washington and we began connecting in November 2015.

Segun Ajisafe and Waliah Abdulrazaq
Segun: The rumor is true!! We met online! I joined the International Church of Christ in early 2015. I then realized I had become a part of a global family without walls. Every member became my brother or sister, and that was for real!

Tom Galligan and Sylvie Raghouber
Tom: I was married before in the kingdom and have three kids. My wife left the faith and left me in 2004. It was a pretty tough blow for me and the church, and it was a very difficult time. I didn’t like being single again and I didn’t want to be back in the singles ministry. I resisted it for a long time – all my friends were married, and all the ministries I’d been in were for marrieds.

Paul Meninno and Laurie Cunneff
Paul Meninno and Laurie Cunneff first connected on DT Heart & Soul in November 2015. They met for the first time in January, and visited back and forth between Chicago and New Hampshire for several months. They officially began dating at the end of April, he proposed two months later, and they were married September 2, 2016.

Troy Criss and Liz Kahrl
For some people, being single is exciting. For others, its lonely. For me, becoming single at the age of 41, it was scary. “How is this going to work out, God?” “What about all the people who think I am crazy because I only want to date women in my church?” “How does a Christian man go about finding a spiritual sister?”

Sergey Zinkin and Marina Murygina
We are so happy to tell you that we have a bride and a groom in Ufa! Sergey (Novosibirsk) and Marina (Ufa) married on June 11, 2016. Watch their wedding video here!
Here you can read about their love story to see how they have began dating.

Egidijus Antanaitis and Maria Yegorova
Egidijus (Stockholdm Sweden): Last year at the beginning of February I registered on DT Heart and Soul. I wanted to find a close friend. I was praying to God for him to lead me in this. I was responding to e-mails from different sisters, and was trying to encourage them, but I was especially impressed with Maria’s e-mails. Her messages seemed to be more sincere and I realized that she was accepting me for who I am.

Eric Rogers and Laney Wesley
Eric and Laney began dating in April 2014 and were engaged in July 2015. Below is their story of how their dating relationship began.

Ian Stephenson and Jopay Isais
Josephine (Jopay): In October 2013 I received an email from DT Heart and Soul with a survey to answer. If I filled up that survey I would receive 2 months free registration. I did it and got the 2 months free registration.

Reggie Guðmundsson and Kalere Payton
Kalere: In December of 2013, I had been on-and-off of DTHS for three years. I made a few connections here and there but nothing that led to a serious relationship. My mom (who is also a disciple) asked me if I was still on the site.

Ron Corbett and Lany Juan
Editor’s note: Ronald Joseph Corbett of St. Paul, Minnesota, passed away suddenly 20th April 2022 at the age of 63, surrounded by his family.
Ron: God is moving in the heart of the sisters in Dubai! The Dubai church is a very international church, with members from dozens of countries around the world. Dubai as a country is a hub. Single professionals move here to look for a great career. The economy is booming, so it is not surprising that the church has a vibrant singles’ ministry. Seeing several couples form through DT Heart and Soul has given the singles’ ministry faith that relationships can happen, even if that soul mate is found somewhere across the world.

Matthew Flores and Ritchel Rosario
Update, March 2020: The year is starting out great: Ritchel, who is from Singapore, received her American citizenship this year. And, they are expecting a girl! Recently, God moved through Matthew and other brothers in the Tucson, AZ church, as they studied the Bible with and baptized a new brother into Christ!

Corden Beyrer and Ellyn Hodge
Ellyn was baptized in 1998 in campus ministry, spent five years in the singles ministry in Delaware and then moved to China for four years. Corden became a disciple in 2003 in Oregon and then moved home to Oklahoma to be with his family. They met on DT Heart & Soul in November 2013, while Ellyn was living in China.

Stephen Miller and Neringa T
God used DT Heart & Soul to let Stephen and Neringa reach across the globe and fall in love, when they might not otherwise have met.

Tim Blakemore and Lana Stinnett Garcia
Congratulations to Tim (Chicago, IL) and Lana (Bloomington, IL), who were married August 1!

Edmund Dixon and Marva Weinberg
Marva and Edmund met through DT Heart & Soul on 19 October 2013 and began building a great friendship from Chicago to South Carolina. After dating for a year, they were engaged on 27 March 2015 and married on 19 July 2015.

Jim Moyer and Kate Baron
Editor’s note: The story below (except for the pictures) was published shortly after they began dating in May 2014
Kate: Long before DT Heart & Soul came about, I had been praying that one day there would be a separate dating ministry–a ministry that would cater to dating issues and hopefully serve as a great tool to help brothers and sisters have godly relationships in the kingdom. And it is to the glory of God that DT Heart & Soul was finally established globally. I’m grateful for everyone who put effort and their hard work to make DTHS possible.

Mitchell Moore and Lorena Vangjeli
Lorena: I was born and raised in Albania and came to the United States (Massachusetts) to pursue a better education in the field of psychology. I became a disciple in December of 2004.

John Owens and Zakiya Proctor
Zakiya: The story of how we met begins with both of us separately being encouraged to join DT Heart & Soul. I was repeatedly encouraged to join by several different people over the course of several months. Those people included one of my roommates, a few close friends, a few sisters in the fellowship, and finally my discipler.

Alex Bayrd and Katherine Duterte
Alex and Katherine have been living in opposite parts of the world, but that didn’t stop them from seeking the relationship God had planned for them. They were willing to put God first, take a leap of faith, and see what he would do!

Mamoru Moriyama and Caroline Manghki
“The Holy Spirit Arranged this Relationship.” – Written by Nadine Templer, Dubai
Mamoru is Japanese but he was converted in the Seattle campus ministry. Caroline is Northeast Indian and was baptised in New Delhi.

Rob Serretti and Kristi Cushing
Congratulations to Rob (Emmaus, Pennsylvania) and Kristi (Reno, Nevada), who were married on June 22, 2014 on the beach of South Lake Tahoe, California.

Steve and Eileen Hewitt
“We are not sure how everything is going to work out. But I say: Watch this space. In fact, I think I said that on my profile and I believe it with all my heart.”

Stephen Berger and Joyce Reyes
Steve: I have always said, “one day can make such a difference in our lives.” My fiancée and I are writing this letter to encourage brothers and sisters all around the world that have the desire to marry to take a risk and utilize this invaluable resource called DT Heart & Soul.

Josh Thurman and Laura Ferguson
Josh: We met briefly in person in 2012 in San Antonio on a large group date. Laura wasn’t my date, but I took notice of her. I thought she was very pretty, but I thought she was way too cool for me. (Laura says: I totally noticed him on the date! I thought, “I’m on a date with the wrong guy!”) She lived in LA and I lived in Nashville, and I wasn’t very big on long-distance relationships. I’m introverted, and I thought it would take too much to make that work for me.

Jay Buenaventura and Hazel Matium
Congratulations to Jay & Hazel, the 10th wedding at DT Heart & Soul! Read on for the story of their engagement.
Jay: On my way to the World Discipleship Summit in 2012, I met Chris, our brother and DT Heart and Soul website developer, who along with his staff encouraged me to join the site. At that time, I said, “No, I am not good with using computers!” However, I changed my heart and I wanted to encourage all my brothers and sisters around the world, and build as many friendships as possible! I had no idea that God was going to bless my life to be dating on DT Heart and Soul.

Simon Tapia and Tabitha Austin
Tabitha: In February 2013, Simon sent me a message on DT Heart & Soul expressing his interest in my profile. I had just joined our church dating site a week prior. Oddly enough in that time I had decided once again that I was not interested in meeting someone that way.

Kevin Dyal and Lisa Micchelli
Kevin, a musician from Portland, Oregon, and Lisa, a schoolteacher from Westchester County, New York, were single disciples for many years. They quickly connected when they met on DT Heart & Soul in October 2011. They began dating at the World Discipleship Summit in San Antonio, were engaged soon after, and were married on March 29, 2014.

Joseph Rose and Sveta Anok
September 2013 – Joseph and Sveta first met on DT Heart & Soul in April of 2012. One year later, this couple overcame the long distance between Russia and Florida and were engaged! They married on June 8, 2013 and live in Tallahassee. In April 2016, they welcomed baby Kristoff to their family of six!

Takashi Kagawa and Karen Alfonso
Karen: I had been on and off DT Heart & Soul for several years. I made several friends through the site, but I hadn’t found the right match yet. In June of 2012, one month before the World Discipleship Summit, I received another DTHS email and signed up again.

John Abet and Sherry Kowalchuk
Its been said that great moments come from great opportunities. We desire to extend a special thank you to DT Heart and Soul for creating a great opportunity for two dreamers. Two dreamers who many years ago had a dream to become one with a very special soul in God’s Kingdom.

Oscar Machado and Kayla Wilcox
Kayla: We met March 13, 2011 while Oscar was visiting the Phoenix (AZ) church from El Paso (TX). He had come to Phoenix once before but didn’t like the city and went as far to say that he would never move here. Little did he know that in a few months all that would change.

Jeremy Lambert and Sandra Herrera
Sandra: Okay, sorry I have to do this as a note, but a lot of people are asking for details. So here goes: Jeremy and I met through a site set up by our churches called DT Heart& Soul.

Tim Keysear and Beth Owen
Tim: Beth signed up for DT Heart & Soul in April of 2010. She wasn’t looking for anything serious. She was reluctant to join, but due to some encouragement from her friends she went ahead and signed up.

Paul Algarin and Aida Calvo
Paul and Aida were the first couple married through DT Heart & Soul. They are proud parents of Suheyla and Gabriel, two of the first DTHS babies!
Below is Aida’s story of how they began dating.